The Old Birkonian Society Rules


1. (a) The Society shall be called “The Old Birkonian Society” and shall consist of past Pupils of Birkenhead School.
(b) Former Staff and Members of the Governing Body of Birkenhead School who are not past pupils of the school shall be eligible to apply for membership.
(c) The Council may invite individuals interested in Birkenhead School to become Honorary Members of the Society.  The Headmaster/ Headmistress and Chair of Governors become an automatic ex-officio member of the Society.

2. The Objects of the Society are:
(a) To facilitate communication and association between Old Birkonians.
(b) To found Scholarships and otherwise to help and encourage any matters of interest to the School.
(c) To encourage teams representing Old Birkonians competing in sporting events.
(d) To keep a register of names and addresses of Members of the Society.
(e) Such other objects as the Society may from time to time determine.


3. (a) The general management of the Society shall be entrusted to a Council which shall consist of the Chairman, Vice-Chairman (when elected), Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer and six Members. Five shall form a quorum and the Council shall meet quarterly during the year.
(b) In all documents to which the Trustees of the Society are party, references to the Committee of the Society shall be interpreted as meaning the Council.

4. Responsibility to the Society remaining nevertheless with the Council, the detailed day to day management of the Society shall be delegated by the Council to an Executive consisting of the Chairman, Honorary Secretary and two Members, one of whom shall be the Vice-Chairman (when elected) but who need otherwise not be elected Members of the Council but shall be Members of the Society appointed by the Council to serve during the current year and eligible for re-appointment

Election of Officers And Council
5. (a) The Society shall elect a President who shall serve for a term of two years.
(b) The Chairman, Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer and Members of the Council, shall serve for a term of one year and be eligible for re-election.
(c) The office of the Vice-Chairman shall be left vacant, except when it be recommended by the Council that it be filled. When elected the Vice-Chairman shall serve for a term of one year and shall be the Chairmen designate.
(d) The President and Council (including those Officers who are members of the Council) shall be elected from and by the general Members of the Society at the Annual General Meeting.
(e) Any Members may propose for office a person other than one nominated by the Council, the assent of such Member having been obtained previously in writing. Such proposal, duly seconded by another Member, shall be notified to the Hon. Secretary at least 14 days before the Annual General Meeting of the Society.
(f) The Council may fill any casual vacancy in the ranks of the Council or the Executive, such appointment to hold good until the next Annual General Meeting.

The Chairman
6. The Chairman shall take the Chair at Meetings of the Council and the Executive. He shall prepare the Annual Report of the Council.

The Honorary Secretary
7. The Secretary shall keep the Minutes of all proceedings of the Council, the Executive and the Annual General Meetings, and shall issue notices of all such proceedings. The Honorary Secretary shall, in the absence of an Honorary Registrar, carry out the duties thereof.

The Honorary Registrar
8. The Council shall appoint an Honorary Registrar who shall keep a list of the Membership of the Society.

The Honorary Treasurer
9. The Honorary Treasurer shall receive and pay all monies on behalf of the Society and shall prepare the Annual Statement of Accounts and Balance Sheet which after audit shall be submitted to the Annual General Meeting.


10. The rate of the Annual Subscription and of Life Membership shall be fixed by the Members at the Annual General Meeting by resolution.
11. Any donations to the Society shall be paid to the Honorary Treasurer and all such donations together with all monies belonging to the Society shall be paid in by the Honorary Treasurer to the appropriate account in the name of the Society at a Bank named by the Council. All cheques must be signed by the Honorary Treasurer and in the case of cheques over £500 a further signature of a Member of the Council to be appointed by Council.
12. The Council shall be the custodian of the property of the Society and may invest or use the same in such a manner as the Council may think fit for the objects of the Society.
13. Any surplus funds shall be invested in the name of three Trustees to be appointed by the Council, in Trustee Securities or such other Securities as the Society in General Meeting may approve.
An Independent Examiner who shall not be a Member of the Council or of the Executive shall be appointed at each Annual General Meeting to examine the Accounts and Statement submitted by the Council.
15. Any Member whose subscription for the current year remains unpaid for six months shall not be entitled to any privileges of the Society.


16. There shall be a General Meeting of the Society in each year. Notice thereof shall be advised to Members at least fourteen days before the Meeting.
17. (a) At all General Meetings the Chair shall be taken by the President or
failing him by the Chairman, or in their absence by a chairman chosen by the Meeting. Seven Members shall form a quorum.
(b) The ordinary business of the Annual General Meeting shall be the consideration and adoption of the Annual Report and Balance Sheet and the election of the President and the Council.
(c) Accompanying the notice of the Meeting will be a copy of the Accounts to be approved at such Meeting, together with the Council's nominations of a new president when appropriate and of the new Council for the ensuing year.
(d) Any other business affecting the Society, including any alteration of these Rules, may be transacted at the Annual General Meeting if notice has been given in the circular convening such Meeting, and except as in hereinafter provided all questions shall be decided by a simple majority of those present.
(e) If the Chairman consents, any other matters may be brought forward and submitted to the Meeting, in which case a majority, of not less than two-thirds of those present will be necessary.
(f) The Council may call a Special General Meeting on giving ten days notice specifying the business to be transacted thereat, and the discussions shall be confined to such business and amendments in connection therewith. The Council shall be obliged to call a Special General Meeting on receiving a written request signed by thirty Members.
18. The Chairman's decision on all questions of order, voting, adjournment or the Rules shall be final. In the event of an equality of voting the Chairman shall have a casting vote.


19. Members shall notify to the Membership Secretary any changes in their address and any notices sent by post to the address last given shall be deemed sufficient..The Old Birkonian Society ~